Sunday, September 12, 2010

Counting my blessings!

So I found myself in one of those reflective moods this morning as I was rushing to finish work for the morning.

It was the last hour of a very very long night and everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I was trying to give some simple direction to a group of workers that were helping me from a local staffing agency and no matter what I said they just could not grasp the simplistic task of putting something together and turning another thing upside down! One of my regular workers understood and took over the assignment for me so I could go continue elsewhere.

As I walked away my usual mental thought would have been something along the lines of "what a bunch of idiots" but instead I found myself in a reflective and thankful state.

I started to feel very sad for these people because I really started to realize that although I'm here in a well payed career with a nice roof over my head and I consider myself a well educated person here are people older then myself that can't read or write and struggle each day to just get to the next day!

I find myself very thankful for the life, education, and direction I was brought up with and count my blessings for how things are for me. But how did we become the type of society where we allowed things like this to happen to people? Granted yes there are people who self destructed there lives but then there are those that just quite honestly were dealt a unfair hand!

Yes I enjoy the things I have because I work hard to get them but on the other hand I think now I have a little more thankfulness for the ability to do so!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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