Mish and I spent yesterday morning geocaching again. God I love that woman! Im so glad she exposed me to this hobby.
We started on our lunch break and were able to find three caches successfully during our hour long break and still had time to grab a bite to eat. Then in the morning we planed a few caches we wanted to find and successfully located an additional 3 caches.

My favorite part was when I managed to locate my first travel bug, of TB as they're abbreviated in the game. A TB is a trackable item that is hidden in caches and when a geocacher locates they then place in another cache they locate and so on and so on. The TB has a trackable number that you log so you and others who have come across the TB can keep track of where the TB has been and also where it goes after you find it. I plan on taking the TB I found with me and placing it in a cache back in NC.
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