After the morning hike, and successful geocache hunt, Chester and I decided to go out for round 2.

We started off by walking to two caches that were located close to my home. I had taken Paul to look for these before but was unsuccessful. This time I had my car's GPS with me and was able to get a closer to the true coordinates.
After reviewing the field notes and searching around Chester excitedly found his second cache of the day, a little film canister that had been placed in a drilled out hole in a log and rolled over to conceal it.

We then headed a little down the road to another cache that Paul and I had tried to find together. Again using the GPS this time we were able to get closer to the true area. After some searching I checked out a pipe and noticed a part of it would spin. After some twisting and pulling the end of the pipe came off and a chain fell out of the remainder of the pipe holding cache find number three for the day.

We decided we felt luck and wanted to strike one more cache out for the day. We went back to my house and grabbed my car and headed to a local shopping center. After reading the description and entering the coordinates in my GPS we headed off through the woods ready to successfully hunt out fourth cache of the day.
After a short trek we got close to where it should be and started searching. Its kinda funny to stand out in the middle of the woods holding my car's GPS trying to line myself up with the proper coordinates. With a little luck I turned and spotted my second find and our fourth success for the day. This was our second ammo box find of the day and it was filed with all kinds of trinkets. We didn't take any but left two trinkets to keep the cache going.

I think its now safe to say that I have found a new fun game that Chester and I can do each time I come home. Im so thankful my friend in PA introduced me to this.
Want to know more about geocaching and how you can start hunting yourself for treasures around you? Go to and check it out for yourself. But make sure you follow the rules and don't let the muggles see you!!
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