You know this totally sucks. I have found the one part of my job that I hate the most. I hate saying goodbye. You spend a few months with people and they become a intricate part of your daily life. Then you reach the end and tell each other "its not goodbye, it's see you later" but you have no idea when "see you later" can and will happen. Im thankful that the next project I go to will have one friend with me but I have no idea what next year brings. Then again Ill have to go through all these sucky emotions again when I have to say goodbye to her.
Im glad to be home with Paul but I miss my friends as they are very important to me. God goodbyes suck!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Some things for me (self-rewards for my progress)
So i set a goal at the beginning of the year to keep going strong with the weight loss as I continue to recreate myself. Ive done great with it and am very proud of myself and know that while Im home soon Ill be able to work harder at my continued success.
Ive had the opportunity to reward myself for my hard work. It started last week by finally having the guts to get my tongue pierced. Ive thought about it for a very long time. certain thing kinda put it on the back burner like company policies and what not. But i got it set back far enough that you cant see it when I talk. Only problem is that ive learned to start playing with it and that can be a little distracting but I still love it and am glad I got it done.
The second has been ten years in the waiting. Ten years ago I got my first and only tattoo and I have always wanted another one (and more after that). Financially I never really had the extra play money to splurge on one. I told myself at the beginning of the year if I continued to loose weight maybe id get one as a reward to myself. I finally had the opportunity to have one done for me. Im ecstatic because its what Ive always wanted. Its a tribal design that accents my original tattoo and goes just below my shirt sleeve to the joint in my arm. We made sure to stop the design every time it hit my original tattoo so the first would look like its laying on top of it. All in all I'm very pleased with it. Whole process didn't hurt and since my skin takes ink very well it didn't take much time at all.

The second has been ten years in the waiting. Ten years ago I got my first and only tattoo and I have always wanted another one (and more after that). Financially I never really had the extra play money to splurge on one. I told myself at the beginning of the year if I continued to loose weight maybe id get one as a reward to myself. I finally had the opportunity to have one done for me. Im ecstatic because its what Ive always wanted. Its a tribal design that accents my original tattoo and goes just below my shirt sleeve to the joint in my arm. We made sure to stop the design every time it hit my original tattoo so the first would look like its laying on top of it. All in all I'm very pleased with it. Whole process didn't hurt and since my skin takes ink very well it didn't take much time at all.
Friday, September 18, 2009
I see you
I see you. I keep catching glimpses of you but its like your trapped behind glass. I wish I knew how the shatter that glass because I want so bad for you to be free.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Geocaching for the day (Round 3)
Mish and I spent yesterday morning geocaching again. God I love that woman! Im so glad she exposed me to this hobby.
We started on our lunch break and were able to find three caches successfully during our hour long break and still had time to grab a bite to eat. Then in the morning we planed a few caches we wanted to find and successfully located an additional 3 caches.
My favorite part was when I managed to locate my first travel bug, of TB as they're abbreviated in the game. A TB is a trackable item that is hidden in caches and when a geocacher locates they then place in another cache they locate and so on and so on. The TB has a trackable number that you log so you and others who have come across the TB can keep track of where the TB has been and also where it goes after you find it. I plan on taking the TB I found with me and placing it in a cache back in NC.
We started on our lunch break and were able to find three caches successfully during our hour long break and still had time to grab a bite to eat. Then in the morning we planed a few caches we wanted to find and successfully located an additional 3 caches.

Monday, September 14, 2009
Geocaching for the day (Round 2)
After the morning hike, and successful geocache hunt, Chester and I decided to go out for round 2.
We started off by walking to two caches that were located close to my home. I had taken Paul to look for these before but was unsuccessful. This time I had my car's GPS with me and was able to get a closer to the true coordinates.
After reviewing the field notes and searching around Chester excitedly found his second cache of the day, a little film canister that had been placed in a drilled out hole in a log and rolled over to conceal it.
We then headed a little down the road to another cache that Paul and I had tried to find together. Again using the GPS this time we were able to get closer to the true area. After some searching I checked out a pipe and noticed a part of it would spin. After some twisting and pulling the end of the pipe came off and a chain fell out of the remainder of the pipe holding cache find number three for the day.

We decided we felt luck and wanted to strike one more cache out for the day. We went back to my house and grabbed my car and headed to a local shopping center. After reading the description and entering the coordinates in my GPS we headed off through the woods ready to successfully hunt out fourth cache of the day.
After a short trek we got close to where it should be and started searching. Its kinda funny to stand out in the middle of the woods holding my car's GPS trying to line myself up with the proper coordinates. With a little luck I turned and spotted my second find and our fourth success for the day. This was our second ammo box find of the day and it was filed with all kinds of trinkets. We didn't take any but left two trinkets to keep the cache going.

I think its now safe to say that I have found a new fun game that Chester and I can do each time I come home. Im so thankful my friend in PA introduced me to this.
Want to know more about geocaching and how you can start hunting yourself for treasures around you? Go to and check it out for yourself. But make sure you follow the rules and don't let the muggles see you!!
After reviewing the field notes and searching around Chester excitedly found his second cache of the day, a little film canister that had been placed in a drilled out hole in a log and rolled over to conceal it.
After a short trek we got close to where it should be and started searching. Its kinda funny to stand out in the middle of the woods holding my car's GPS trying to line myself up with the proper coordinates. With a little luck I turned and spotted my second find and our fourth success for the day. This was our second ammo box find of the day and it was filed with all kinds of trinkets. We didn't take any but left two trinkets to keep the cache going.
I think its now safe to say that I have found a new fun game that Chester and I can do each time I come home. Im so thankful my friend in PA introduced me to this.
Want to know more about geocaching and how you can start hunting yourself for treasures around you? Go to and check it out for yourself. But make sure you follow the rules and don't let the muggles see you!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Long walks, and unexpected geocaching.
Woke up this morning and got together with my friend Chester for a long walk down the nature trail. Were both trying to live better and healthier and went for a walk while our partners stayed at home. I had checked geocaching before and knew there was a cache somewhere along the trail but didnt find it before. Chester was determined that we were gonna find it because he wanted to know exactly what this great new hobby was that I had told him about. We went to the spot where we though the cache was and searched and searched and didnt find it so we continued our walk.
On the way back, feeling proud for walking 5 miles instead of siting around the house, we decided to try one more time to find the cache. We searched and searched and finaly I saw something. Not even checking I screamed out "I got it"! Turns out I was mistaken . . . . .
What I had unearthed was a "story box" which is very similar to a geocach I guess. With a story box you hide a box with your journal and a handmade stamp in it. then as people find it they put a copy of their stamp in your journal and then put a copy of your stamp in their journal.
Determined to find the true treasure we kept looking and looking and then finally chester spotted it. Now I know how Mish felt when she took me hunting and I got excited over finding one.
Now of course Im not gonna say where the cache was hidden cuz that would just ruin the fun for others but it was filled with all kinds of arts and crafts and a personal letter and the log. I signed the log but didnt take a craft because I didnt have anything to replace it with. I cant wait to find more of these as I go along!
On the way back, feeling proud for walking 5 miles instead of siting around the house, we decided to try one more time to find the cache. We searched and searched and finaly I saw something. Not even checking I screamed out "I got it"! Turns out I was mistaken . . . . .
What I had unearthed was a "story box" which is very similar to a geocach I guess. With a story box you hide a box with your journal and a handmade stamp in it. then as people find it they put a copy of their stamp in your journal and then put a copy of your stamp in their journal.
Determined to find the true treasure we kept looking and looking and then finally chester spotted it. Now I know how Mish felt when she took me hunting and I got excited over finding one.
Now of course Im not gonna say where the cache was hidden cuz that would just ruin the fun for others but it was filled with all kinds of arts and crafts and a personal letter and the log. I signed the log but didnt take a craft because I didnt have anything to replace it with. I cant wait to find more of these as I go along!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sirius, vets, and halloween PJs
I think I made things a little fough on my best friend this time around! Sirius tends to figure out which days are my travel days and gets bummed and excited accordingly. Well on this past time that I left I made things even more frustrating for him by giving him the dreaded B-A-T-H before leaving. I swear this dog can controll gravity because when I get him close enough to the tub he sinks to the floor and becomes thirty pounds heavier.
Upon returning from my business trip he was excited as ever and all notions of the B-A-T-H were forgoten and forgiven. The next day was another story as he was due for his checkup at the V-E-Ts. So I tricked him with the usual "car ride" and off we went. Of course once we got to the parking lot the wining started including one very loud yelp which must be dog for NOOO!
Upon returning from my business trip he was excited as ever and all notions of the B-A-T-H were forgoten and forgiven. The next day was another story as he was due for his checkup at the V-E-Ts. So I tricked him with the usual "car ride" and off we went. Of course once we got to the parking lot the wining started including one very loud yelp which must be dog for NOOO!
Everything turned out great and Sirius got a bunch of shots he was due for as well as a much needed nail trimming. While he was taken in the back for his checkup I went through the store to get my "Im sorry buddy" gifts. Well actually we needed more treats for him anyway but I did find a new collar and matching harness that I liked so I picked those up for him.
Much later that evening Paul and I went out for dinner and left Sirius home content in his bed. After Dinner we stopped over at the local Target to see what was new. I was surprised to find the halloween goodies were coming out. I couldn't resist myself and bough a pair of Halloween PJs for sirius which may just turn out to be his costume for the year (Slumber party)!
What wonderful parenting skills exist in todays world!
So I'm walking around the store the other night with my roommate/co-worker and as we turn the corner we com across a little girl siting as quietly as she possibly could in a cart.
Now where"s the parent you might ask? My roomie and I both walked past the cart and stopped a bit further up and watched as the other shoppers nearby left. Then finally, a man quite a few aisles from the cart came walking up from the back of the aisle. When the little girl saw him she finally spoke calling out "dada". Wow, unfreakin believable! I cant believe how neglectful people are especially with children. Seeing things like this really upsets me. Come on people, if your gonna F*ck and make it then F*cking take care of it!
Now where"s the parent you might ask? My roomie and I both walked past the cart and stopped a bit further up and watched as the other shoppers nearby left. Then finally, a man quite a few aisles from the cart came walking up from the back of the aisle. When the little girl saw him she finally spoke calling out "dada". Wow, unfreakin believable! I cant believe how neglectful people are especially with children. Seeing things like this really upsets me. Come on people, if your gonna F*ck and make it then F*cking take care of it!
Monday, September 7, 2009
It may be a part of life but it's still not fair
Shouldn't there be some kind of cosmic law on how much your allowed to loose in a years time!!??
I feel like the memories of my childhood and adolescence are being torn apart before my very eyes. I lost my great uncle last year in March and my grandmother this past February and now I find that this morning that my uncle passed.
I know that all thing must come to an end and that death is just a part of life but damn it I'm tired of having to say goodbye to my family! Its just not fair!
I feel like the memories of my childhood and adolescence are being torn apart before my very eyes. I lost my great uncle last year in March and my grandmother this past February and now I find that this morning that my uncle passed.
I know that all thing must come to an end and that death is just a part of life but damn it I'm tired of having to say goodbye to my family! Its just not fair!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
New project - Knitting fingerless gloves
I started new project yesterday! I decided to once again dip my hands into my knitting bag and see what I could come up with. The colder seasons are just around the corner and I've wanted to make a pair of gloves. I picked up two different color yarns and had to pick up a new set of DPNs (Double Point Needles) since I left them at home. Hopefully Ill be able to stick through this project and complete them. Heres a few pics of the first glove started.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Quiet time - blah
Quiet time is important from time to time so we can refocus ourselves but there are time when I just totally hate it. Id rather surround myself with at least one friend to distract my mind! I welcome the distractions of the upcoming weekend as I prepare to have fun with a friend who has become like a sister to me. what will the weekend hold?! so long as its fun I dont care!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Passion - (another's work not my own just fit my mood at the moment)
“Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir... open its jaws and howl.
It speaks to us... guides us... passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have?
Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief.
It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace... but we would be hollow... Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead.”
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Why dont those who vent listen to what they say!
Im a listener and people tend to open up to me easily. Wether they are friends, acquaintances, co workers, employees, etc. they tend to open up easily to me and share their concerns and personal opportunities. This isn't anything I am complaining about. In fact I love being able to help someone else and be there for them to vent. It gives me a sense of purpose sometimes.
What I don't understand is why don't the people who vent to me listen to what they are saying to me? Too many times people tell me something that they cant stand wether it is a person, event, place, or situation but I find that they continue to invite these opportunities into their lives with open arms!
If your willing to admit that you have a problem with something your obviously not in denial about the situation so why continue to welcome the situation into your life!?!?
Im sure this is something I need to learn to follow myself but I just witnessed yet another close friend take the time to vent to me about a something that bothered them and upset them and through certain observations I can "assume" that that person welcomed the opportunity into their life yet again just a few short hours later! Turns out I was wrong but still!
Alas I will continue to listen and offer a solid shoulder for these people to lean on. But I wish they would take the time to address the opportunity they have already outlined for themselves.
What I don't understand is why don't the people who vent to me listen to what they are saying to me? Too many times people tell me something that they cant stand wether it is a person, event, place, or situation but I find that they continue to invite these opportunities into their lives with open arms!
If your willing to admit that you have a problem with something your obviously not in denial about the situation so why continue to welcome the situation into your life!?!?
Im sure this is something I need to learn to follow myself but I just witnessed yet another close friend take the time to vent to me about a something that bothered them and upset them and through certain observations I can "assume" that that person welcomed the opportunity into their life yet again just a few short hours later! Turns out I was wrong but still!
Alas I will continue to listen and offer a solid shoulder for these people to lean on. But I wish they would take the time to address the opportunity they have already outlined for themselves.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Return of Pitch Black - My favorite drink is back (under a new name)
OMG OMG OMG I cant believe Im gonna waste time posting a blog about a beverage but I'm soo excited. My favorite drink is back and under a new name. Quite a few years ago Mountain Dew had a special drink just for the holiday season named pitch black. It was basically grape mountain dew but I loved it and stocked up on it like crazy. Sadly it only lasted a year, at least in my area. Now Im at work and I see down in the drink cooler a little purple bottle as I'm about to head to break. I decide what the hell since its diet and buy one. I was all to pleasantly surprised that this new beverage named ultra violet brought me back to my favorite drink MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sound Advice
Im always inspired from my daily bit of advice from
Here's todays:
Moving in Real Time
Fast-Forward Button
We all go through times when we wish we could press a fast-forward button and propel ourselves into the future and out of our current circumstances. Whether the situation we are facing is minor, or major such as the loss of a loved one, it is human nature to want to move away from pain and find comfort as soon as possible. Yet we all know deep down that we need to work through these experiences in a conscious fashion rather than bury our heads in the sand, because these are the times when we access important information about ourselves and life. The learning process may not be easy, but it is full of lessons that bring us wisdom we cannot find any other way.
The desire to press fast-forward can lead to escapism and denial, both of which only prolong our difficulties and in some cases make them worse. The more direct, clear, and courageous we are in the face of whatever we are dealing with, the more quickly we will move through the situation. Understanding this, we may begin to realize that trying to find the fast-forward button is really more akin to pressing pause. When we truly grasp that the only way out of any situation in which we find ourselves is to go through it, we stop looking for ways to escape and we start paying close attention to what is happening. We realize that we are exactly where we need to be. We remember that we are in this situation in order to learn something we need to know, and we can alleviate some of our pain with the awareness that there is a purpose to our suffering.
When you feel the urge to press the fast-forward button, remember that you are not alone; we all instinctively avoid pain. But in doing so, we often prolong our pain and delay important learning. As you choose to move forward in real time, know that in the long run, this is the least painful way to go.
Here's todays:
Moving in Real Time
Fast-Forward Button
We all go through times when we wish we could press a fast-forward button and propel ourselves into the future and out of our current circumstances. Whether the situation we are facing is minor, or major such as the loss of a loved one, it is human nature to want to move away from pain and find comfort as soon as possible. Yet we all know deep down that we need to work through these experiences in a conscious fashion rather than bury our heads in the sand, because these are the times when we access important information about ourselves and life. The learning process may not be easy, but it is full of lessons that bring us wisdom we cannot find any other way.
The desire to press fast-forward can lead to escapism and denial, both of which only prolong our difficulties and in some cases make them worse. The more direct, clear, and courageous we are in the face of whatever we are dealing with, the more quickly we will move through the situation. Understanding this, we may begin to realize that trying to find the fast-forward button is really more akin to pressing pause. When we truly grasp that the only way out of any situation in which we find ourselves is to go through it, we stop looking for ways to escape and we start paying close attention to what is happening. We realize that we are exactly where we need to be. We remember that we are in this situation in order to learn something we need to know, and we can alleviate some of our pain with the awareness that there is a purpose to our suffering.
When you feel the urge to press the fast-forward button, remember that you are not alone; we all instinctively avoid pain. But in doing so, we often prolong our pain and delay important learning. As you choose to move forward in real time, know that in the long run, this is the least painful way to go.
Continued Diet Frustration
Why the hell does it feel like when you try your hardest at a diet it fights back at you?
Yeah I had a "care free" weekend but I wasn't a glutton about it. Even wasn't now I feel like I must have been. I got right back on track for work and made sure I ate well and made sure that I got myself to the gym this morning after work.
Usually as soon as I get back into the swing of things I see an immediate move back into the positive direction with my diet and weight loss goals but I stepped on th scale and found that a little more weight had crept back (4 pounds to be exact).
Now I know in the grand scheme of things that is not a big amount but for me I get over analytical of such things. Did I eat the wrong things, did I forget to maintain my dietary supplements, etc etc etc.
UGH ok I vented now its time for bed and to continue the dedication to my end goal!
Yeah I had a "care free" weekend but I wasn't a glutton about it. Even wasn't now I feel like I must have been. I got right back on track for work and made sure I ate well and made sure that I got myself to the gym this morning after work.
Usually as soon as I get back into the swing of things I see an immediate move back into the positive direction with my diet and weight loss goals but I stepped on th scale and found that a little more weight had crept back (4 pounds to be exact).
Now I know in the grand scheme of things that is not a big amount but for me I get over analytical of such things. Did I eat the wrong things, did I forget to maintain my dietary supplements, etc etc etc.
UGH ok I vented now its time for bed and to continue the dedication to my end goal!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Dietary Setbacks - A relapse of self control!
Im siting in the laundry room at the hotel right now doing my laundry for the week. Its the one task I wanted to complete yesterday but got too distracted by quality time with co-workers. As I sit here just how frustrated I am with myself at the moment. From the point I got off work Friday morning to the wee hours of this past night I threw caution to the wind completely with my diet. Now this doesn't mean that I did nothing but eat all weekend it just meant that when I did I wasn't too cautious about what I ate.
Now granted yes the few friends I've spoken to this morning in regards to my frustration are correct in telling me it is okay to have slip ups from time to time. And yes the reason we fall is to learn to pick ourselves back up again. But I just really get upset with myself when I do this. The level of dedication and restraint I put on myself to get rid of what I did just can not be overlooked or exchanged for less careless ones.
Im better then that and I know it. Ugh okay Im done beating myself up for the moment I just needed to vent those frustrations for a minute. Thank god I don't have a eating disorder LOL!
Now granted yes the few friends I've spoken to this morning in regards to my frustration are correct in telling me it is okay to have slip ups from time to time. And yes the reason we fall is to learn to pick ourselves back up again. But I just really get upset with myself when I do this. The level of dedication and restraint I put on myself to get rid of what I did just can not be overlooked or exchanged for less careless ones.
Im better then that and I know it. Ugh okay Im done beating myself up for the moment I just needed to vent those frustrations for a minute. Thank god I don't have a eating disorder LOL!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Common sense, not so common!!!??!!
So Im laying in bed just relaxing and waking up from a fun evening with friends and I happen to glance over at the sprinkler on the ceiling of my hotel room and for the first time notice a warning sign on the ceiling next to it.
Now this just makes me wonder for a moment? Why do they need to take the time to make sure no one tries to hang anything from a sprinkler? Its because some time some where some fool actually thought it was a good idea to hang their jacket or pants or whatever from the sprinkler. It just amazes me to think how many people go through life just oblivious and ignorant to common sense.
Now this just makes me wonder for a moment? Why do they need to take the time to make sure no one tries to hang anything from a sprinkler? Its because some time some where some fool actually thought it was a good idea to hang their jacket or pants or whatever from the sprinkler. It just amazes me to think how many people go through life just oblivious and ignorant to common sense.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Week comes to a end - catching up
So here is my first attempt at a journal like entry instead of posting what inspires me.
The work week has come to an end and after fighting with construction crews and hired labor workers I am glad to have the next 58 hours to myself. Been keeping so busy while on the road I've neglected my poor farm addiction on facebook LOL.
On the positive side though I've been working hard on my diet and exercise program (save for today, no gym and am now at a Panera LOL). Im now down a total of 140 pounds from my initial start back in April of 2008 which includes six inches from my waist and three shirt sizes and I couldn't be happier with myself. I still have quite a bit of work ahead of me but I have proven to myself, and others, that I can succeed at this project. I hope to loose a decent chunk more before my 30th birthday in October. Thats the big thing for me right now, trying to create the newer more healthier me as I bring the first 30 years of my life to a close lol. One thing I have noticed for sure as I continue to loose weight and enjoy the person I owe to myself to be is that I am becoming quite the clothes whore! Seriously, I cant go into a store without looking at clothing now since I feel more comfortable in my skin and the clothes surrounding it.
Work, outside of the normal daily opportunities, has been a blessing for me. Im now on my third project for the year as a store planner and have found myself on an awesome team that I have oddly become very close to in such a short amount of time. At the end of my second project my first team was broken up. My new adopted team includes a real treat and flashback for me in the form of a friend who was part of the inspiration for me applying for this position. Oddly enough I use to be her manager when we both worked at the same store quite a few years back. She's as crazy as ever and I'm thankful that our paths have crossed again. This is my last project of the year, or so I think, and I have my reservations about returning to my old store to help for the next three months till we go back out on the road in January. Thankfully I have two weeks of vacation to break it up a bit LOL!
Well I think I've rambled enough for now. Time to go explore the town I'm in since I only drive through it at nights. If you've been following my blog thanks and if this is your first time reading it I hope you enjoyed yourself visiting my newest corner in the world of cyber networking!
The work week has come to an end and after fighting with construction crews and hired labor workers I am glad to have the next 58 hours to myself. Been keeping so busy while on the road I've neglected my poor farm addiction on facebook LOL.
On the positive side though I've been working hard on my diet and exercise program (save for today, no gym and am now at a Panera LOL). Im now down a total of 140 pounds from my initial start back in April of 2008 which includes six inches from my waist and three shirt sizes and I couldn't be happier with myself. I still have quite a bit of work ahead of me but I have proven to myself, and others, that I can succeed at this project. I hope to loose a decent chunk more before my 30th birthday in October. Thats the big thing for me right now, trying to create the newer more healthier me as I bring the first 30 years of my life to a close lol. One thing I have noticed for sure as I continue to loose weight and enjoy the person I owe to myself to be is that I am becoming quite the clothes whore! Seriously, I cant go into a store without looking at clothing now since I feel more comfortable in my skin and the clothes surrounding it.
Work, outside of the normal daily opportunities, has been a blessing for me. Im now on my third project for the year as a store planner and have found myself on an awesome team that I have oddly become very close to in such a short amount of time. At the end of my second project my first team was broken up. My new adopted team includes a real treat and flashback for me in the form of a friend who was part of the inspiration for me applying for this position. Oddly enough I use to be her manager when we both worked at the same store quite a few years back. She's as crazy as ever and I'm thankful that our paths have crossed again. This is my last project of the year, or so I think, and I have my reservations about returning to my old store to help for the next three months till we go back out on the road in January. Thankfully I have two weeks of vacation to break it up a bit LOL!
Well I think I've rambled enough for now. Time to go explore the town I'm in since I only drive through it at nights. If you've been following my blog thanks and if this is your first time reading it I hope you enjoyed yourself visiting my newest corner in the world of cyber networking!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A more positive way to look at fear
This was sent to me today from Daily Om and thought it be worth sharing. I especially like the letter description they give for fear.
Fear of Losing What We Have
Seeing Beyond Fearful Delusions
One of humanitys biggest fears is losing what we have. It is healthy when fear of loss helps us take steps to protect what we have worked hard to attain, but it is unhealthy to continue to fear something we can do nothing about. We need to remember that focusing our energy on fear can actually create what scares us, and holding tightly to what we have keeps us from participating in the universal flow of abundance and instead creates stagnation. Since we can only really control our thoughts and our responses, gaining proper perspective may be key to conquering such fears.
The letters of the word "fear" can be used to stand for "False Evidence Appearing Real." Fears of being separated from something or someone we feel we need for our security or happiness comes from a delusiona distorted way of understanding ourselves and the world around us. When we understand that possessions are only representations of the energy at work in our lives, we can shift our attention to the right and proper place. We can stop fearing loss of money or success because when we understand how it is created, we can always create more. We can stop fearing loss of possessions when we realize that they are not the source of our joy or well-being but only icing on our cakes. And when we understand the energy of love, we need not hold anyone too close for fear of losing them for we know that love does not diminish when it is given or shared but expands beyond boundaries of time or space.
By focusing our light on our fears, they are revealed as mere shadows that disappear in the presence of mind and spirit. We can choose instead to direct our thoughts and creative power toward things of true valuelove, abundance, peace, passion, and joy. These are energies that are always available to us when we place ourselves confidently in the universal flow of abundance.
Fear of Losing What We Have
Seeing Beyond Fearful Delusions
One of humanitys biggest fears is losing what we have. It is healthy when fear of loss helps us take steps to protect what we have worked hard to attain, but it is unhealthy to continue to fear something we can do nothing about. We need to remember that focusing our energy on fear can actually create what scares us, and holding tightly to what we have keeps us from participating in the universal flow of abundance and instead creates stagnation. Since we can only really control our thoughts and our responses, gaining proper perspective may be key to conquering such fears.
The letters of the word "fear" can be used to stand for "False Evidence Appearing Real." Fears of being separated from something or someone we feel we need for our security or happiness comes from a delusiona distorted way of understanding ourselves and the world around us. When we understand that possessions are only representations of the energy at work in our lives, we can shift our attention to the right and proper place. We can stop fearing loss of money or success because when we understand how it is created, we can always create more. We can stop fearing loss of possessions when we realize that they are not the source of our joy or well-being but only icing on our cakes. And when we understand the energy of love, we need not hold anyone too close for fear of losing them for we know that love does not diminish when it is given or shared but expands beyond boundaries of time or space.
By focusing our light on our fears, they are revealed as mere shadows that disappear in the presence of mind and spirit. We can choose instead to direct our thoughts and creative power toward things of true valuelove, abundance, peace, passion, and joy. These are energies that are always available to us when we place ourselves confidently in the universal flow of abundance.
Cardio - No longer just good for the body, or so my horoscope says!
Its a good things I do cardio at least four days a week while on assignment!
Taken from
Healthy Body, Healthy Spirit
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Exercise and physical activity could invigorate you today. It might be that by moving your body you are able to stretch the reaches of your mind and refresh every aspect of your life. Getting out in nature and feeling your feet connect to the solidity of the earth could ground you in the present and infuse your life with the joys of simply being. Finding time to do something physical, whether it is a yoga practice, tai chi, or a form of aerobic exercise could help strengthen this feeling of connection. If you can, you might also use your physical practice to inspire your spiritual one by paying attention to the thoughts you tend to have when your breath increases. Doing so could strengthen the bond you have between your body and your mind, making your practice a moving meditation.
Being present to the joy of our bodies makes it easier for us to be present to our mind and spirit. Since our bodies are the temples of our soul, when we exercise them we are also doing spiritual training. Each movement we make with awareness and love allows us to channel our physical energy into the inner depths of our being. Our bodies then become the key for unlocking the unlimited sources of creative energy that we hold in them, which we can then use to fulfill our higher purpose. The more you exercise your body today, the more fulfilling the other parts of your life will be.
Taken from
Healthy Body, Healthy Spirit
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Exercise and physical activity could invigorate you today. It might be that by moving your body you are able to stretch the reaches of your mind and refresh every aspect of your life. Getting out in nature and feeling your feet connect to the solidity of the earth could ground you in the present and infuse your life with the joys of simply being. Finding time to do something physical, whether it is a yoga practice, tai chi, or a form of aerobic exercise could help strengthen this feeling of connection. If you can, you might also use your physical practice to inspire your spiritual one by paying attention to the thoughts you tend to have when your breath increases. Doing so could strengthen the bond you have between your body and your mind, making your practice a moving meditation.
Being present to the joy of our bodies makes it easier for us to be present to our mind and spirit. Since our bodies are the temples of our soul, when we exercise them we are also doing spiritual training. Each movement we make with awareness and love allows us to channel our physical energy into the inner depths of our being. Our bodies then become the key for unlocking the unlimited sources of creative energy that we hold in them, which we can then use to fulfill our higher purpose. The more you exercise your body today, the more fulfilling the other parts of your life will be.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Horoscope coincidence?!?
How funny is it that today is my travel day, 6-8 hours in the car with just me and my ipod and todays horscope for me discusses valuable alone time and reflection time! Kinda funny how these things line up some times.
Taken from the
August 24, 2009
Valuable Alone Time
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Your level of energy might influence the way you go about your day today. Perhaps you notice that you don’t have as much energy as you would like, which may make you feel like withdrawing from the world and spending time alone. Using this time to reflect upon your life and what it means to you could make your day much more productive and may reenergize you in the process. This time alone could be of great value to you. If you can, you may want to journal about what you feel today and how that impacts your life. Should you find that your thoughts veer toward the negative, you might consider the positive lessons that are part of your current experiences and how the information you are getting from these experiences can help you reach greater realizations about yourself.
Being alone allows us to have the time and space to reflect on what our lives mean to us. When we are with others, our thoughts can become sidetracked since we could take on their concerns instead of paying attention to our own. Giving ourselves time for serious soul-searching—whether through meditation or journaling—lets us dig more deeply into our present feelings and assess how those feelings manifest in our lives. And this makes us more aware of our truest thoughts and needs. By thinking about yourself today and how events in your life impact you, you will discover deeper meaning in your everyday existence.
Taken from the
August 24, 2009
Valuable Alone Time
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Your level of energy might influence the way you go about your day today. Perhaps you notice that you don’t have as much energy as you would like, which may make you feel like withdrawing from the world and spending time alone. Using this time to reflect upon your life and what it means to you could make your day much more productive and may reenergize you in the process. This time alone could be of great value to you. If you can, you may want to journal about what you feel today and how that impacts your life. Should you find that your thoughts veer toward the negative, you might consider the positive lessons that are part of your current experiences and how the information you are getting from these experiences can help you reach greater realizations about yourself.
Being alone allows us to have the time and space to reflect on what our lives mean to us. When we are with others, our thoughts can become sidetracked since we could take on their concerns instead of paying attention to our own. Giving ourselves time for serious soul-searching—whether through meditation or journaling—lets us dig more deeply into our present feelings and assess how those feelings manifest in our lives. And this makes us more aware of our truest thoughts and needs. By thinking about yourself today and how events in your life impact you, you will discover deeper meaning in your everyday existence.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Dietary Down Time?!?!
Im noticing a new trend with me and I'm not quite sure if its a bad thing.
The way my job is set up I drive out to my assignment and then 17 days later I drive back home for four days for "down time" and then its back on the road.
Well, when Im on the road I make sure I go get my hour of cardio each morning (provided I have gym access), take my dietary supplements, as well as record everything I eat in my food journal. The only exception being when I go to my parents for the weekend where I don't record what I eat but I'm still conscious of what I eat.
Now Im noticing when I come home all that goes out the window. The exception being cardio which I'll do once or twice when home for those four days. Now granted in four days Im not going to undo all the progress I made over the past 17 days but I may make a dent in it if I'm not careful. But still the underling question is there: why do I do this? Is it just my subconscious saying "you've worked hard now take a small break" or is it just because I'm so exhausted from working nights that whole period of time that I'm too physically and mentally drained from that point to give it all the focus it needs to be successful!
Now on the lighter side any damage (if any at all) that I've made to my dietary success during my down time usually becomes my greatest motivator when I return to my project and dietary practices! LOL am I just making my own form of indirect balance!?
The way my job is set up I drive out to my assignment and then 17 days later I drive back home for four days for "down time" and then its back on the road.
Well, when Im on the road I make sure I go get my hour of cardio each morning (provided I have gym access), take my dietary supplements, as well as record everything I eat in my food journal. The only exception being when I go to my parents for the weekend where I don't record what I eat but I'm still conscious of what I eat.
Now Im noticing when I come home all that goes out the window. The exception being cardio which I'll do once or twice when home for those four days. Now granted in four days Im not going to undo all the progress I made over the past 17 days but I may make a dent in it if I'm not careful. But still the underling question is there: why do I do this? Is it just my subconscious saying "you've worked hard now take a small break" or is it just because I'm so exhausted from working nights that whole period of time that I'm too physically and mentally drained from that point to give it all the focus it needs to be successful!
Now on the lighter side any damage (if any at all) that I've made to my dietary success during my down time usually becomes my greatest motivator when I return to my project and dietary practices! LOL am I just making my own form of indirect balance!?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Familiar places in dreams
Ok so I want to get this out before I loose the details in my mind.
Isn't the mind a funny thing? Especially when asleep and it creates a whole new world for us. I had a dream last night where I think Ive returned to the same familiar unreal place three times now. It all starts the same. Im walking through an attic for a house that has to be at least three stories tall. There are parts in the attic where I can look down through the rafters and see that the house (or building, I'm not even sure its a house) is unfinished. Suddenly Ill turn a corner and I'm in a finished room. There is dark wood all around me covering the walls and there are very nice book cases in the same dark wood that look like they would be part of some grand old library. On the shelves are a random collection of nick nacks. There are jars filled with buttons and other odds and ends, assorted fabric bolts, books, and more things that I just cant remember at the moment. On thing that I remember is that it seems like I enter this room during a thunderstorm as I remember a window and seeing flashes of lightning outside of it. So is this the place my subconscious mind creates to sort out all the things I encounter every day that I cant process at the moment or is this just a convenient returning dream triggered by god knows what?
Isn't the mind a funny thing? Especially when asleep and it creates a whole new world for us. I had a dream last night where I think Ive returned to the same familiar unreal place three times now. It all starts the same. Im walking through an attic for a house that has to be at least three stories tall. There are parts in the attic where I can look down through the rafters and see that the house (or building, I'm not even sure its a house) is unfinished. Suddenly Ill turn a corner and I'm in a finished room. There is dark wood all around me covering the walls and there are very nice book cases in the same dark wood that look like they would be part of some grand old library. On the shelves are a random collection of nick nacks. There are jars filled with buttons and other odds and ends, assorted fabric bolts, books, and more things that I just cant remember at the moment. On thing that I remember is that it seems like I enter this room during a thunderstorm as I remember a window and seeing flashes of lightning outside of it. So is this the place my subconscious mind creates to sort out all the things I encounter every day that I cant process at the moment or is this just a convenient returning dream triggered by god knows what?
Flash backs and eww god nos
So ive come to realize that the biggest problem with working overnights for so long is that on your down time you just cant return to normal living and I find myself up late every night. Tonight is one of those nights. I decided to bring a chest in of old clothes and found myself quite excited to find clothes that I can fit into yet again as well as clothes I soon will fit into again. Now with the positive there is always the bad and I found some clothes to donate that just would not fit into any fashion trend should I even be skinny enough to wear it again. There is one sweater I would love to find again but alas it is either well to hidden or I got rid of it when I sadly accepted my weight at a heavier state.
Healthy dinner options
One of my favorite things to do is find healthier recipes to create and modify to share with my friends as I continue to work towards a skinnier healthier me.
Tonight I copied a recipe I found in a weight conscious cook book. Over baked "fried" chicken. The secret is that crushed cereal is used to create the "crunch" taste of fried chicken while it is baked instead of fried. Ill include my copy of the recipe below should you want to try it.
4-8 boneless chicken breast
enough fat free buttermilk to coat the chicken (no more then half gallon)
6-8 C crushed corn flakes (frosted flakes can be used for a sweeter taste)
6T Flour
6t pepper
4t salt
Set oven to 400 degrees. Crush cereal and mix with remaining dry ingredients. Soak chicken in buttermilk and then coat with cereal mixture. Place on cooking sheet that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Cook for 30 Minutes. Flip chicken and cook for 20 minutes more.
Tonight I copied a recipe I found in a weight conscious cook book. Over baked "fried" chicken. The secret is that crushed cereal is used to create the "crunch" taste of fried chicken while it is baked instead of fried. Ill include my copy of the recipe below should you want to try it.
4-8 boneless chicken breast
enough fat free buttermilk to coat the chicken (no more then half gallon)
6-8 C crushed corn flakes (frosted flakes can be used for a sweeter taste)
6T Flour
6t pepper
4t salt
Set oven to 400 degrees. Crush cereal and mix with remaining dry ingredients. Soak chicken in buttermilk and then coat with cereal mixture. Place on cooking sheet that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Cook for 30 Minutes. Flip chicken and cook for 20 minutes more.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The beginning of a new project
So Ive found myself for the longest time contemplating this whole bloging thing and Ive done some in video form through my youtube videos at but i think its time for something a little different for me. Who knows how long this will last or if it will turn into anything at all but we shall see. welcome to everyday chris, a look into my daily life and experiences!
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