Ok so ive tried the lazy aproach and tried to use a diet journal app on a ipod touch and have found myself slacking so today I went out on a hunt for a new diet journal to try and motivate me back on track with my weight loss needs. My goal is to loose about 100 pounds total. What helped me the most to loose the first 100 pounds was to keep a diet journal because you just become more aware of what you are eating when you have to record it and the numbers are right there in your face.
~Diet Minder~ |
The journal I picked up is called "Diet Minder Personal Food & Fitness Journal A Deluxe Food Diary by MemoryMinder Journals"! I like this one because it has some great setups that line up perfectly with my diet. I'm still following the Alli diet guidelines but ill go over them as I show the other pages for the journal.
~Personal Goals~ |
This page allows me to outline my goals, plan daily food targets (calories fat carbs etc.) as well as my statistics like weights and measures and my goals for them as well. I'm going to continue my guidelines for the Alli program due to its simplicity. I will allow myself 1800 calories a day and a total of 60 grams of fat which breaks down further to 19 grams of fat per meal. I know it doesn't sound like much but when you get into it it really is.
~Daily Food & Fitness Records~ |
This page allows me to record my meals according to what i ate as well as total calories, fat grams, carbs, fiber, and protein. Its broken down to allow for three meals and three snack periods. There are also spots to record the daily weight, water consumption, physical activity as well as grand totals for the day. One thing I also like is how it allows me to track my dietary supplements as well as multi-vitamins.
~Graph Records~ |
There is a graph records page that is designed on a weekly basis that allows you to track whatever you wish (exercise times, weight progress, caloric intake). I'm going to use it to graph my weight loss.
~Weekly Progress~ |
The weekly progress page allows you to create a weekly progress report for yourself based on weight, cholesterol, blood pressure as well as body measurements. I haven't quite decided what body measurements I would consider tracking besides weight and waist size.
So there you have it. I'm not sure yet but I think I may have a weekly blog update that discusses my progress with this journal! Wish me luck because I have to make this happen!
I'm not wishing you luck because I know you are going to achieve it! I believe in you and wish you the best. I have to lose another 75-90 lbs. myself and as always am using you as inspiration. Remember you are a phenomenal person and you can achieve whatever you want.