Me with Jodi |
Saturday was a day of catching up with a dear friend. My friend Jodi moved away to GA about a few years ago and then recently moved back to NC with her mother. Jodi came over with her son Kirian and we spent the whole day just catching up with each other. I wanted to get a few things together for her as she had lost a good deal of her belongings in January in an apartment fire. So Jodi sat on a chair in my dining room as I proceeded to organize and clean every drawer and cabinet in my pulling out random items that I could do without and that she would be able to use.
Sirius with Kirian |
After filing a box with goodies for her we headed into the living room to relax and catch up while Kirian explored the area. Sirius was so good and patient with him. We've always had a crafty/cooking/baking side with each other so we decided to watch Matha's Halloween Ideas and Martha's Thanksgiving Favorites. Jodi stuck around long enough for Paul to get home so she could say hi to him and so he could meet Kirian and then she headed back to her moms.
Sunday was by far the best day of my down time. Paul and I went with our friends Aaron and Chester as well as Chester's Niece and a friend of her's to see Lady Gaga! We had to be at RBC center in Raleigh at 8PM so we made our way there a little early. The traffic to get into the parking lot was ridiculous as well as the line to enter the center. However the costumes of fans in the line was amazing, spooky, and down right scary. We got to our seats with plenty of time to spare.
The concert started with an opening act by Precious Little Weapons. Sadly they're a group that I could do without seeing ever again. The lead singer was a strange, supposedly bisexual, guy who came on stage wearing a wife beater, women's tight pants, and a pair of glittery high heeled boots. Just about every other word was just a little too profane, even for my taste, and at in the middle of the act he stripped down completely on stage and changed outfits, bending away from the crowd as to hide his junk. At the end of the performance the lead singer invited the fans to come to their section of the stadium where they would be selling their CD, signing it, taking pictures and performing sexual favors.

After a brief intermission the real show began. Lady gaga put on an amazing show starting with "Dance in the dark" and changing her outfit just as much as Cher use to! Throughout the show she had new outfit after new outfit. Sometimes her outfit changes were nothing more then removing her headdress but it was still amazing. One outfit that really stuck out was one that had moving aspects on the head and chest of the dress to look as if it were breathing itself. She paused a few times and spoke with the audience which showed a very personal side of her. She joked with one fan near the stage when she loved a mask he had made and said that she would love to steal it and how she could go to jail for that. She jokingly said "This just in, Lady Gaga attacks little monster for fashion item"!
Lady Gaga also spoke of a speech she would be giving the next day for a repeal against "don't ask don't tell" in Maine. She continued with just bout every song in her two current albums as well as a new song called "You and I" from her forthcoming album "Born this way". At the end of the concert she id a encore performance of "Bad romance" which was as wonderful as any of the other songs.
Lady Gaga giving her speech to repeal
"Don't Ask Don't Tell" |
The next day I got a chance to see her speech online. As amazing as her concert was I found this speech just as breath taking. I think a person on twitter said it best when he said something along the lines of how it was amazing how a pop star can take a stand and fight for our rights when someone who fought for our votes wont. If you'd like to see the speech, titled "The prime rib of America", which is a tongue in cheek nod to her meet dress she wore at the VMAs a week prior you can click
here to see the speech which was posted on CNN.