Haven't blogged for a hot minute so I decided to do a little bit of a catch up.
Been home in NC since early November helping in a local store till my travel job resumes in March and lord I cant wait for that to happen.
I feel like since I came home I haven't really been able to stop moving. Between getting ready for the holidays and being busy at work I haven't felt like I had a moment to myself. My diet and exercise program greatly suffered from this shift in life and roughly 40 of the 140 pounds I lost since my original diet started in April 2007 made their way back.
But its 2010 now and that means new beginnings and exciting things ahead of me.
I restarted my diet and have faithfully been recording my progress in a app on my iPod. I've already seen a loss of 6 pounds this week so my motivation is back to keep going strong. I think the best thing any dieter can do is make a food journal because nothing makes you more aware of just what it is you are eating and just how bad those "this cant be that bad for me" things are.
As I said I will be returning to the road for the job I love in March. New teams were being determined and a lot of my friends were holding there breath as we waited to find out what teams we would be assigned to and where we would be going. Luckily I have been assigned to a manager I helped during a project in PA and the team consist of three people from that same project. Two of these people are people I became very close with and speak with almost daily, the third is a close friend that i worked with before when I was an assistant manager and she is actually one of the two people who inspired me to step into my new career.
The second thing I am really looking forward to is my upcoming assignment which will last much much longer then most projects. You see most projects only last 12 weeks but the one I'm going to will keep me in the same place for about seven months (roughly 28 weeks). We will hopefully be in an extended stay hotel like I was in PA which means I will have the opportunity to eat much healthier then other projects where I must make due with the best option I can come up with at local restaurants. One of the girl on the team is starting a diet too which means we will be able to offer support. And finally unlike the extended stay that i stayed at in PA this one has separate bedrooms and bathrooms which means that even though I'll have a roommate I will also have a sense of privacy. I just hope everything goes through and we get the extended stay.
Well thats me in a nutshell for now. I hope this becomes the beginning of a return to my blogging! Write to whoever cares to read this again soon LOL!